Ch 09. One year Post Covid shutdown - Reflections, March 2021
Pop turned 90 years old on May 13, 2020. The family had planned a big birthday party in Berlin, which due to covid, had to be cancelled....
Coming of Age in Post-War Berlin
This is the memoir based on conversations with my father and letters to a young man who came of age in post WWII Berlin. Two weeks shy of turning 15 when the War ended, Walter Ernst Bauke faced five years of struggle to find food, heat, family, education, trade craft and work. He was imprisoned, beaten unconscious, shot at, forced slave labor for Russian soldiers, and fled for his life several times. Through family connections and a tenacious spirit, he found a way to get out of East Berlin and get a trade education. He learned self-reliance. He learned that family and relationships matter more than money. He learned that anything is possible, if one makes it so.